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Devious Deviance (ddevian.wad)

Year 2023
Source port MBF21-compatible
Game mode(s) Single-player
Map(s) contributed MAP03, MAP09
Other contributions Graphics, project lead, UMAPINFO

Devious Deviance is an 8-level MBF21 mapset that came to life as a community project hosted by Yours Truly. Running between July and September of 2022, the project employed a gimmick where difficulty settings had to be implemented by means other than changing monsters. That is to say, monster count and composition had to stay unchanged between all difficulties - everything else was fair game. The end result, I dare say, is a selection of maps with some very creative choices taken as to how the difficulty settings are implemented, where not only item pickups but sometimes even room layouts change.

My own map for the project, "Temple of Steel", occupies the MAP03 slot. A mixture of rusted metal and glowing orange, this metallic behemoth houses a selection of challenges for the player to overcome. Upon entering its guts and clearing out the initial batch of demons, the player gets one of three keycards and traverses through the challenges ahead in the order that the keycards and their difficulty of choice dictate. The experience is accompanied by an original MIDI composition by none other than myself. I also made MAP09, which is a small credits map with dioramas of the maps around the perimeter.

Being the project lead on Devious Deviance, obviously I was additionally in charge of overseeing the development process and compiling the wad. I also made the graphics and wrote the UMAPINFO.