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Doomium II (DMIUM2_*.wad)

Year 2024
Source port Boom/UMAPINFO-compatible
Game mode(s) Single-player
Map(s) contributed MAP06

Doomium II is a 36-level Boom megawad that came to life as a community project hosted by fai1025. A sequel to the first Doomium, the focus of the project was on making maps with "frantic action". The maps are split into episodes of 5 levels each (plus a secret level), with each episode having its own distinct theme.

My contribution, MAP06, opens the brutalism episode of Doomium II. It's a map named "Concrete Flow", and it takes place in a quasi-techbase with water running in the walls. Gameplay here leans towards hectic, with the player having to scramble a little for their ammo early on, and the map even contains an arena fight or two.

This map admittedly isn't one of my personal favorites. From a gameplay perspective, it's one of my better ones, but not so much visually. I was going to spruce up the visuals in an update but ultimately never did. Oh well, at least it was fun to make.