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ColdWire (coldwire_rc2.wad)

Year 2025
Source port Limit-removing
Game mode(s) Single-player, coop
Map(s) MAP01-13

ColdWire is a limit-removing mapset that aims to combine modern visuals with classically inspired gameplay. Boasting a bespoke custom palette and a tailor-made texture set, the maps in ColdWire aim to create a strong and inviting atmosphere while keeping the player on their toes with IWAD-esque but nonetheless thrilling combat. The player is going to traverse through roughly an episode's worth of techbases and urban environments in search for answers to a traffic accident of historical magnitude.

This time around, I wasn't completely alone either; joining me in achieving the aforementioned goal are guest mappers Salmon and Death Bear. The project also features a full original soundtrack by none other than Yours Truly.